The Different Types Of Wines.
Wine is made from fruits, such as grapes, and placed into a large vat to be
crushed. The fermentation process starts when yeast is added to the vat and
it interacts with sugar from the fruit. The yeast fermentation process creates
the alcohol. After fermentation, the solid pieces are removed and the
remaining fermented wine is aged in wooden casks. The alcohol percentage of
wine is 7% to 24%.
Name Variations:
White Wine
Red Wine
Rose Wine
Sparkling Wine
Port Wine
Fortified Wine
Types Of White Wine Grapes:
Riesling Grapes (Rees-ling) - Riesling wines are much lighter than Chardonnay wines. Dry
versions of the wine go well with fish, chicken and pork dishes.
Gewürztraminer Grapes (Gah-vurtz-tra-meener) - Gewürztraminer wines are very aromatic
and ideal for sipping. The wine pairs well with Asian food, pork and grilled sausages.
Chardonnay Grapes (Shar-doe-nay) - Chardonnay wine can be sparkling or still. It is a good
wine with fish or chicken dishes.
Sauvignon Blanc Grapes (So-vee-nyon Blah) - Best grown in cool climates, Sauvignon Blanc
wines are versatile with many foods. The wine pairs well with seafood, poultry and salads.
Types Of Red Wine Grapes:
Syrah Grapes (Sah-ra or Shiraz) - Syrah grapes grow well in France, Australia and California.
The aromas and flavors of Syrah wine is wild black-fruit and overtones of black pepper. The
wine goes well with red meats and stews.
Merlot Grapes (Mer-lo) - Merlot wine is the “easy to drink” wine. It pairs well with any type
of food. Merlot wines typically have a black-cherry and herbal flavor.
Cabernet Sauvignon Grapes (Ka-ber-nay So-vee-nyon) - Considered one of the world’s best
wines, Cabernet Sauvignon is full-bodied in taste. The wine goes great with simply prepared
red meat.
Pinot Noir Grapes (Pee-no Nwar) - Pinot Noir grapes are difficult to grow, but makes a wine
that is delicate and fresh. The wine goes best with chicken, grilled salmon, lamb and Japanese
Zinfandel Grapes (Zin-fan-dell) - Zinfandel grapes are only grown in California. The wine
often has a zesty flavor with a taste of berry and pepper. Zinfandel wines go will with grilled
and barbecued meats, turkey, tomato-sauce pasta and pizza.
Malbec Grapes (Mal-bek) - Malbec grapes origins are from French Bordeaux region. Malbec
wine characteristics vary depending where the grapes are grown. Malbec is considered to be
easy drinking and has tastes of berries, plums and spice. The wine pairs well with meat,
Mexican, Indian dishes and Cajun.
Sangiovese Grapes (San-gee-oh-ve-zee) - These grapes produce a medium-bodied, fresh
berry and plum favored wine. The wine goes will with Italian and other Mediterranean style
Barbera Grapes (Bar-bear-a) - Barbera wine has similar attributes to Merlot, but as a silky
texture and excellent acidity. Barbera wine pairs well with many types of dishes, including
tomato sauces.
Ingredient Variations:
Ginger and Raisins
Popular Wine Brands:
Jordan Vineyard & Winery
Sonoma-Cutrer Vineyards
Cakebread Cellars
Silver Oak Wine Cellars
Ferrari-Carano Winery
Store Hours:
Sunday 10am - 6pm
Monday - Thursday 9am - 9pm
Friday - Saturday 9am - 10pm